Ford Repair: 2008 Taurus rear brakes, caliper piston, rear brakes

if I forced the caliper piston back into the caliper without turning it have I ruin the caliper or any other part of the breaking system? I do have ABS breaks.  I have reinstalled the caliper and the breaks do work but the petal is softer than it was before.  Also the parking break on the side I worked on does not compress enough to stop the rotor.  I did have the parking break disconnected from the caliper so wonder if i just did not get it reconnected in the right position. Thank you for you answer.

Dear Ray, the answer to your first question, is you could have damaged the caliper if you forced back without rotating.  However, it will take a lot of force to do so, and you have seen some evidence of your doing. It seems that this has not happened.  My guess, if you rotated the caliper back into position, then it is in good working order.  As for softance of the paddle, you did not bled the brake enough. Though this a tricky task, as you need to bleed them in the following order, Rear Right, Rear Left, Front Right, and Front Left.  Or your can go to a local shop to have them bled properly for about $30.  Overall, I think your brakes are fine, they just need proper bleeding.