Ford Repair: reverse switch, luck chris, range sensor


I have a 2006 Focus ST (2.3l) with 88K on it. Two winters ago, the reverse lights stopped working, then started again in the Spring. This past winter, they stopped again, but haven't begun working again. I suspect a replacement of the reverse switch is required, have been told that it is found on the top of the trans, under the battery bracket. Removed all battery hardware and bracket, but still couldn't find it? Have any pix or further detail?

hey there, If i remember correctly. you are looking in the wrong area. This switch you are looking for is called a transmission range sensor. This is accesed easier from underneith the car. it is located close to the bottom of the transmission on the right hand side at the front of the vehicle, you should be able to see the shifter cable in front of it on a lever. And i just realized that this is for an automatic trans, o i hope this is what you have.. let me know if it isnt
good luck
Chris P