Ford Repair: Engine rotation 1994 46.liter Twon car, lincoln town car, interference engine

Hi Chris,

This 1994 4.6 Lincoln Town car engine is an interference engine. So says the manual I'm using. Jump timing and you got a BIG problem.

My problem is that the repair manual I'm using does not say which way the engine rotates!

I'm pulling the tranny which requires turning the engine to access the converter to convertor drain plug and the flywheel to converter nuts.

Strangely, in an un-related context the manual says rotate the engine 45 degrees w/o saying which way? In my context (flywheel/converter# it just says turn the motor! In another context #timing chains# there's a big black block of text warning that this is an interference engine. BUT SAYS not a word about direction of rotation!!!  From two of the diagrams in this context #timing chains) I believe the engine rotates Clock-Wise.

Confirm please? CCW or CW? Looking at the motor from the front.

Pete Peterson

hey there.
the engine on all 4.6 liter engines turn clockwise, faceing the engine, No i have a question for you. do you have the front of the engine and timing chains disasembled? If the timing chains are not removed then there is no need to worry about which way the engine is turned. If you have pulled the timing chains then i would recomend putting new chains or the old chains on to pull the transmission so you do not put out the timing, let me know if you have any other questions. good luck
Chris P