Ford Repair: 2002 Ford Ranger turns over then dies, electrical issues, kick plate

Hi Tony - appreciate you accepting questions.  I have an 02 Ford Ranger with 90k miles that out of the blue will turn over but won't start. my husband thought it might be the fuel pump - we tried a new fuse - tried to reset it (above the passenger side kick plate) - it was not triggered to reset.  have always had some strange electrical issues - says the door is open when its not - the light stays on occasionally etc.  any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Hello Christy, When you turn the key on do you hear the fuel pump come on ? Should hear a hum for about 5 seconds when the key comes on, if you don't then i would guess the fuel pump is bad. The door ajar is more than lickly a switch on on of the door latches, best guess dr. door. Thanks Tony