Ford Repair: 02 ford electric problem, ford f150 4x4, carpet matting

02 ford F150 4X4 5.4 liter.The problem I have just happened today.Has never done this before.Tried to start truck and the panel gauges all went up,sounded like dead battery,and all lights went out.When turned key back to off lights come back on.Was able to jump start with no problem.Had battery and alternator tested (at auto zone).Alternator tested at 14 volts and battery tested dead in truck.Bought new battery and same problem.New battery tested dead in truck.Battery tested good after taking out of truck.Also fuel relay under hood and PCM relay in fuse box in cab click when key is off.PCM relay gets a little warm.pulled fuel and pcm to stop clicking after got truck home.Any help would be helpful.

Remove the front interior kick panels and see if the carpet matting is wet under the front carpet areas. A water leak intrusion in the 'A' post or roof panel areas can cause a condition such as this by entering into an electronic module. Let me know if you find the floor matting wet.

Drew Young