Ford Repair: Brake pedal spongy, ford taurus, rear brakes

I have a 1992 Ford Taurus SHO.  I recently was working on the rear callipers and I had them off the car. I did not clamp the brake line, so a lot of fluid came out when I did this.

I did the brake bleeding on all four wheels until no more air comes out. (I did this twice)  Even after doing this, the brake pedal is spongy, and requires pumping up.  It is able to hold pressure eventually.

The left rear calliper has a poor seal between the bleeder and the calliper, but I am fairly sure that air is not leaking back in since I did not see any bubbles and dont see air on re-bleed.

I am wondering if I could have gotten air in the ABS pump or accumulator when I drained the system.  If not, is it possible that proportioning valve or master cylinder is trapping air?  my brakes worked perfectly fine prior to disconnecting the rear callipers, so I am at a loss.

hey there. well I need you to check for one thing. in lines going to the rear of the vehicle check if there is a proportioning vavle. if there is the rear brakes will not bleed out propperly, UNLESS the vehicel is on the ground or the wheels are set at normal ride height, check that and let me know, good luck