Ford Repair: 94 ford e250 van wont run without being sprayed, ford e250 van, computer distributor

i have a 1994 ford e250 at my shop and we are stumped on why this van will not stay running i mean we changed dam near everthing let me tell you a little about the situation...

no start condition
no fuel getting in to motor
fuel pressure is good (41lbs)
got pulse on injectors
got fuel coming out of injectors
tryed computer, distributor, fuel regulator, ohmed injectors (14.5)
will not run without being sprayed... do you have a solution ? thanks

You have the answer. "It will not run without being sprayed." Even though there is 41 ponds at the rail, that does not rule out trouble with the fuel pump. Perhaps the little 3 inch fuel line on the fuel pump assembly has a crack in it, or is loose. Either way, drop the tank snd replace the assembly. It would be futile not to replace the pump with all the labor time dropping the tank of course.