Ford Repair: 2001 F150 electrical, ford problems, labour charge

My dome light and cargo lights will not turn off. I replaced the relay and it worked for two days but now again they won't turn off. I have pulled the relay out so they will stay off but would very much like to fix the problem. Can you help please.

ANSWER:  I hope this isnt what i think it is, you would not believe how many times i see this, at least once a month someone comes in with this complaint, Im not saying this will be your situation but it is a good possibilty, attached to the head light switch or close by there is a dimmer switch make sure that the wheel is not turned all the way up. if this is not the case, does the door ajar light stay on while driving this truck?? get back to me

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Chris and thank you very much for the quick response. Yes the door ajar light stays on quite often. I have sprayed WD40 at the switch locations with no effect. I took my truck to a dealer and they wanted $400.00 to fix it and would not tell me what the problem was. Being severely disabled and unable to work I could not afford this. I read through about an hours worth of Ford problems without finding anything regarding this issue. Maybe I was looking in the wrong place. Your help is really appreciated.

hey again, if the door ajar light is on then that is why the lights are staying on, most typically it is the drivers side front door because it is always the most used., try soaking again in pentrating fluid and keep slamming the door, hopefully that will free up the switch, 400 dollars seems  little far fetched to repair this problem considering the door ajar switch is only 20 dollars. there should also only be a 1 hour labour charge, the switch is located in the latch of the door, so it is necesary to remove the door panel to get to this. let me know how my information works, good luck