Ford Repair: ford taurus 2003 engine light/gas problems, ford taurus, pressure leak

We have a 2003 Taurus.  It started having some hesitation problems like it
wasn't getting enough fuel and it was dying.  Then the engine light came on
and then the gas cap light came on.  We took it in and they replaced the fuel
pump and filter, a new cap,  and eventually put in a new computer.  Two
months later it's doing the same thing and now they say we have a cracked
fuel line, we need a new solenoid, and cylinder 3 is backfiring so we need a
new coil.  I'm afraid we are being jerked around, does this sound like a
problem you've seen in these cars?

hey there. i have avctually never replaced a fuel pump on a taurus, dont see to many problems with them, i have a 2003 taurus myself. if the gas cap light comes on that means there is a pressure leak down from the tank,  a craked EVAP lines sounds like it would be correct, and if the engine is misfiring then there is a  possible faultly coil pack. If they are talking about an EVAP solenoid then there is a good possibilty of that as well. the fuel tank always needs to be under pressure, and the solenoid will aloow pressure to vent off if it gets to hight, i would have the cracked hose repaired first before replacing the soenoid, unless the solenoid is faulty and they are misleading you with the hose to charge a little bit of extra labour.let me know what happens,