Ford Repair: 1991 Ford Thunderbird, ford thunderbird, time ink

I recently replaced the heater core in the car and now I am getting an E2 and E7 error code in the digital display. Can you advise what is wrong, thanks.

these codes are related to the blend door actuator so be sure your blend door actuator is connected-if it is it may be bad have it tested.

one code is saying blend door can't reach desired position within 20 seconds
second code is saying blend door can't calibrate-there is a procedure for doing this-if you can find a local garage with alldata they may print the procedure out for you be sure to offer a couple dollars to pay for their time/ink/paper because alldata cost us abouot 200 per month. if you can't find one you can go online to and look in the diy section and pay for a year subscription  for around 35-40 dollars for that vehicle you would be suprised at what info is in it. go to heating and a/c section start there. good luck