Ford Repair: 2001 Taurus - Driver side floor (F/R) wet.., interior door panel, splash shields

QUESTION: 2001 Taurus, about 18 months ago the driver floor starting getting damp after a rain.   Thought it to be just tracking in water and thought not much of it.   Since this last winter when the snow has melted off the car or it rains, the front and rear driver side floorboard is glistening with water.   The passenger side is dry, F/R.   

I have pulled the scuff plate on the driver side and pulled the carpet / backing back, WET, dripping (squishy).   I have not examined the back yet.    Would you have insight into what are the problem areas on a Taurus?  
I keep the wetvac handy to get as much out as I can after it rains.  Original windshield, no wrecks.

ANSWER: When you do an inspection for a water leak intrusion, you should have the interior scuff plate and "A" pillar trim removed so you can see the sheet metal body.
With the interior trim removed, soak the top and side of the car with a garden hose for about 1/2 to 1 hour. Look inside the car with a flashlight at the floor and at the bottom inside of the door.

Things that can be leaking :

(1)Inner door panel splash shields behind your interior door panel(this would leak and build up at the bottom of the door).Also, door opening weather strip could be torn or flat.

(2)Bottom of the "A" pillar seam, high cowl seam to "A" pillar seam(all under your cowl screen).Also check to make sure cowl drain is clear of debris.

(3)Wheel well seam, bulk head seam or plug,(all of which would leak onto the floor and be seen tight to the corner of the bulkhead)

(4)Windshield set could be loose or leaking,top of the "A" pillar seam,(can see this on the inside of the car,looking along the windshield set).

Also, check the trunk area to make sure it is dry. If you have a digital camera, you can send me pictures of what you are looking at.

Drew Young

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I've found where it is coming from under the dash (behind the hood release area -- BUT how is it getting from the outside into the dark area behind the wiring bundle?

Hi Marc,

You could have a low cowl seam leak (the left front fender and inner fender skirt would have to be removed for repair of the seam from the cowl section to the wheel well-bulk head section)or the gasket for the wire bundle could be leaking / also check the hood release grommet for the cable for any leaking (the left front wheel and the inner fender skirt would have to be removed for repair of the gasket or hood release cable grommet)