Ford Repair: Sable stalls when transmission engaged in cold weather, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow

I have a '99 sable with just under 100K  miles. I live in Minnesota and we've been having bitter weather this winter. When the temps are below zero, my Sable will start fine. I let it warm up a while (1-4 minutes) but when I engage the transmission, it stalls and won't restart - at least not without great effort. My mechanic has worked hard on it. I left the car with him during a recent cold spell. He found that the temp sensor was telling the computer the engine temperature was over 500 degrees so it cuts down on the richness of the fuel, which stalls the engine. He replaced the thermostat and temp sensor. Made sense to me, but he wouldn't let me pay him until we were sure it was fixed. This morning (-13 degrees) I went out and, bingo, same experience. It idled fine for several minutes. I placed it into gear and it stalled. What can I do short of selling the car or moving to a warmer climate? Thanks

Hello John, Have the tech you are working with to check the mass air flow sensor reading. If is out of range it can cause the computer to adjust feul trims. Also try reving the motor some to cllear it out some before putting it into gear. It may "loading up" on you. Hope this helps Thanks Tony