Ford Repair: Leaving my car behind, weather damage, ford explorer

QUESTION: Hello, I have a 2004 Ford Explorer XLT. I'm also in the army, but this is my first vehicle I ever had BEFORE WE DEPLOYED. The army will store your vehicle for free while your in Iraq, so I was wondering if my SUV will be alright. I've read different things like that giving to a friend to start every week isn't a good idea because if it isn't going to run for about an hour you'll degrade the oil faster. I wanna store it on Base because when we come back for leave and when we come back for good I wanna get my SUV immediately. But I don't want to drive down through 2 towns to get it, but I ALSO don't want weather damage because the army doesn't let you put a Cover over your car. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

ANSWER: well for how long will u be storing it for

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QUESTION: I will be leaving it for about a year.

this is what i would doo i would have it stored and i would have someone start it at least once a month for about 15 to 20 mins and drive it if possible , and have the oil changed a couple times soo the oil dont gunk up , and then u should be fine , and also i want to thank u for serveing our country , thank you , it my pleasure to give u info on your truck