Ford Repair: Fire And Fuel No Start, pressure relief valve, flower planter

QUESTION: Hi Jason,I have a 83 lincoln mark 6 302,125,000 looks show room But will not start,I pulled a plug and have fire,I push the fuel pressure relief valve on throttle body shot gas to the fender but will not start, BUT if i put some gas in the throttle body it will start and run fine,but shut it down and it will not start up on its own again,I have been trying to find a answer all over no one seems able to help I have changed everything you can think of,I am about ready to turn her intoo a flower planter,I say her as I never met a guy this stubborn,Thanks so much for your time.Bill

ANSWER: For some reason the injectors are not opening.  With the key on, each injector should have power on ONE wire.  If they don't, you'll need a wire diagram to trace the wire and see if it's a bad fuse, broken wire, etc.  If there is power, that means the computer is not turning the injectors on.  see if the check-engine light goes out when you crank the engine-- it should.  If not, that means the computer is not getting a signal from the distributor.  Once again-- wire diagram.  The ignition pickup and module are OK if you have spark,  so I'd leave them alone.    If this doesn't help, let me know and I'll do some digging and see what else I come up with.
I know what you mean by "she's stubborn", I got married 6 months ago.  :-)  Good luck, and let me know what you find.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK Jason 1st good luck with your new life,now yes I do have fire at both injectors with the key on,as far as the dash my 83 mark 6 don1t have a check eng ine light, " BUT " when I turn it over to try to start it all the lights on the dash go out,I have a digital dash,I can`t remember if they always want out or not I don`t think so but not sure.Thanks Buddy

After re-reading your original question, I must admit I missed one detail-- you said that once you get it to start, it WILL continue to run on its own.  After much thought, I am thinking along the lines of a bad throttle position sensor-- that little plastic sensor on the side of the throttle body. If you have a volt meter, attach one lead to ground, and check for voltage on each of the 3 wires with the ignition ON.  One wire will be about zero volts, another will be about 5 volts, and the third should be somewhere between 0.5 and .9 volt.  The last one should show a smooth increase in voltage as you open the throttle.  If it is too high with the throttle closed or has any "dead spots" where voltage spikes or drops quickly as you open/close the throttle, the sensor needs to be replaced.  You might also try starting it with the sensor unplugged-- usually that will cause a high idle but if it is the culprit the engine should at least start.  The dash lights going out during cranking is normal-- most of the accessories are turned off so that the starter gets 100% battery power.  Don't go planting tulips in the trunk just yet, we'll get this one figured out.  :-)