Ford Repair: 1993 ford escort engine codes, mass air flow, vacuum leaks

"My Escort 1.9l SOHC idles bad after warm up.surges.Still Driving.
I'm getting codes with engine off: 111 111 131 157 181 122 157
181.  with it running: 412 172 538 536 412"
I've replaced:Idle air control,Mass air flow,Fuel Pressure Reg,..It ran out of fuel recently, Have not done TPS,fuel filter or fuel pump. Plan on fuel pump next.

Hello Dave,
    Before replacing any sensors, etc., always verify proper fuel pressure and check over thoroughly for vacuum leaks and air intake leaks. Also verify integrity on ignition system, because a misfire can cause a bad idle, even after warmed up. I'm going to research those codes further when I get to work tomorrow, but sometimes codes can run you around in circles, especially on vehicles before 1996. It is very possible that the fuel pressure is dropping after running a while, so you must verify that (32-40 psi at all times).
     Good luck, and feel free to follow up.   Shaun.