Ford Repair: front end, control arm bushings, wheel bearings

i have a 2001 e150 ford van i've changed rotors /pads & wheel bearings also checked tires/air pressure but i still get a pretty bad shimmy/wobble when i stop in the front. can you point me in the right direction

Jerry, if you have replaced all those parts and are still getting a shimmy when you stop, then there is really only a few more things to do.  The first thing I would do is take the car to a local tire shop and have them make sure the tires are balanced.  This generally only costs about 5 dollars a tire.  You should also look for abnormal wear on the tires, as this can cause serious vibration.  The best way to eliminate your current tires as being the problems is to rotate the rear ones to the front and vice versa.  After this, you are left with control arm bushings, sway bar bushings, etc.  Most of them do not cost very much, but they can be time consuming if you have never changed them before.  Since you have so new a year model, I wouldn't think that suspension bushings are your problem.  The only other thing I can think of is that your front end is out of line.  You can have this checked at most places for less than 60 bucks.  I wish I had a solid answer for you, but it really is a process of elimination unless you take it to a shop where they can put the front end on a machine and tell you what is going on.  Good luck and if you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask.   Jason