Ford Repair: Clutch, clutch problems, clutch kit

Hi Jason
I took your advice and by passed my heater core. did get a bit of anti freeze bath.
Now my 1979 F100 ford truck has clutch problems I think. For about a year when I engaged the clutch it screamed. Bering right ? Now when I leave the light it is slow to start moving same when I shift to 3rd. It is a 4 speed and I have bull low so I start in second. I replaced the transmission a year ago. Should I have the clutch looked at. Do you have a rough idea the cost. I can gat a new clutch for 233 bucks.
Where are you ? I am in Victoria B.C.

Deryck, I am in Arkansas.  Down here I can buy a new clutch kit for around 80 bucks.  A new master cylinder for around 30 dollars, and a slave cylinder for about the same.  To me it sounds more like a master cylinder or slave cylinder problem.  Maybe a worn pilot bearing.  Most mechanics around here would charge about 150 dollars to do the job.  I am happy to hear that my advice helped you.  I hope I have done so again this time.  Good luck and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask.  Jason