Ford Repair: ford dies, ford 460, running down the road

79 ford 460 dies while running down the road.i changed the ecm, replaced ends on wires on ignition switch, new ignition switch, checked coil wires. I thought I had cured it with the ignition switch, ran for 4 days great. died while driving today

Richard, have you replaced the ignition coil lately?  Does the truck start back up after is cools for a few minutes?  You can easily test the coil with a multimeter.  The resistance should be less than 9 kohms on the secondary, and .3 - .5 ohms on the primary.  If you just want to throw money at it, go pick up a coil at your local parts store, you can get a cheap one for around 8 dollars.  From your description, that is about the only thing that I can think of.  Other than a bad ground wire on the engine.  It is probably the coil.  You have replaced everything else.  I hope this helps.  Write me back if you have any problems with testing the coil.  by the way, check the coil after the engine has been running for a while.  Good luck,   Jason