Ford Repair: Escort flooding maybe?, chilton manual, electrical diagrams

Wrote you the other day about coils and distributors, etc. Replace cap, rotor, new spark plugs good fire now. Thanks! Seems that I am flooding out, the only adjustment is in thepressure regulator cover. The fuel pressure reg. adj. screw. No matter which way I turn it or how much seems like no change in fuel pressure. Black smoke out tail pipe, smells like gas, and as I said just rebuilt the fuel injector and throttle body, any ideas I am missing? Also is the anywhere I can get a diagram for the ignition wires? I would like to go around them and go to toggle swithes and a starter button (no good with keys). I could try with multimeter but a diagram that explains the wires would be great so I don't mess up and leave something out. I want to go to remote doors and make it keyless but the ignition is first as right now I am just sliding the ignition itself by hand to start the car and run it.(NO GOOD!) Thanks for all the help. Great response time by the way, thanks a lot!

Chris, the first thing that comes to mind with the flooding is, the temperature of the car.  Did you replace the thermostat with a cooler one?  If you did, take it out and put a regular one in it.  Also, is your temperature sender working?  If it is not, that will cause your car to run very rich.  If the computer reads the vehicle as running cool, it will pump more fuel into the cylinders.  (acts like a choke would on older cars with carbs)  As far as bypassing the ignition switch, it is possible.  You can pick up a Chilton Manual at a your local parts store and it will have all the engine electrical diagrams that you will need to bypass the switch.  I hope this helps.  Thanks for the compliment, I am sorry it took me so long this time.  I have been rebuilding a mopar engine.  It has taken up quite a bit of my spare time.  If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask.    Jason