Ford Repair: 1995 ford 4.6L DOHC cobra engiine, matell, pcm

I have a 95 t bird that was a promo car for Matell, so they put in a 4.6L cobra engine.  on the freeway at higher speeds, some governor activates and shuts down the engine spark or fuel.  can the governor be adjusted upward, or just taken out and where is it?
thanks, matt

Just how fast were you going? There is no governor, but the PCM has a rev limiter built in. Usually this is noticable if you rev the engine up in nuetral the engine will cut out like it is not getting fuel. To accomplish this while moving you had to push it pretty hard!

Saw plenty of Cobra motors go up in smoke due to the owners putting chips in the PCM and over-revving the engine.