Ford Repair: Bronco Wont Start, ford bronco, fuel pump relay

My 1986 Ford Bronco won't start.  I have found that there is no electric power on the fuel pump or the fuel injectors.  I have traced the wires back to a relay on the right front wheel area under the hood.  The relay does not make any clicking sound when the key is turned on or the starter is engaged.  The relay behind it does make clicking sounds when  the key is turned on and starter engaged.  

I'm not sure what controls the power to the relay and/or the closing of the relay contacts. The relay may be bad or something else behind the relay?  The Bronco was running real good a couple of weeks back, this no start problem happened all of a sudden without any other noted problems.

Where do I go from here?  

Try switching the relays, could be fuel pump relay, but with no voltage to the injectors it could be the PCM relay. Make sure there are no melted fusible links, fuses are good, grounds tight. With the key off you should have power at one terminal of the relay, if not then there is an open in the power circuit.