Ford Repair: 1998 Ford Explorer A/C, ford explorer xlt, vacuum motors

I have a 1998 Ford Explorer XLT and the A/C keeps cutting in & out when I punch the gas to gain speed, as soon as the speed is aquired it starts working again. When it cuts out it seems like the a/c stops coming through the vents but it is still running. Someone told me it sounds like a vaccume leak. I need to know where the vaccume is located on this type of truck. Can you help me?

If the the ac doesn't come thru the vents that is usually a vacuum issue. Could be a line off, a leaking vacuum motor, leaking control head, or something else. The vacuum supply is a small black plastic line under the hood, you might trace that and see if it is cracked. If you can get under the dash you can look for the various vacuum motors that are visible, see if a line is off.

In the event of vacuum loss Ford products default to the defrost mode.