Ford Repair: HELP!, jeep wrangler, rat traps

Hi Steve,

I'm not sure if you can offer a suggestion about this problem, but it's worth a try. I have a 2005 Ford Escape that we just bought. The weirdest thing occurred. I smelled a terrible odor when I put on my AC-like a dead dog. I brought it in and they found a dead RAT in the fresh intake under the passenger windshield wiper and maggots in the blower. I'm told this happens at times. They removed the blower and glove box to clean it out. Do you have ANY suggestions on how to prevent this? I had a Jeep Wrangler before buying the Escape and took it off-road. I never had this problem. Any ideas are appreciated-thanks.


  Yes, it does happen from time to time.  A few years ago I picked up an old Fairlane Thunderbolt for a friend that'd been in storage for a while only to find some mice in the air cleaner.  There's really not much that can be done about's one of those things that just happens.  I suppose if you could find something that rats didn't like (like something that smelled a certain way) it might work, but things of that nature are usually offensive to humans too.  If you park your car in a garage you might try to lay down some rat traps.  If you park outside it's kind of up to the rats.  Hope this helps.
