Ford Repair: E-150 Clicking noise from from tire area, side tire, brake job

Hello Erik,

I have a 2002 E-150 with ~42000 miles on it. About two months ago I noticed a clicking sound comming from the front-passanger side tire. I got out and inspected it and it is definitely comming from that area. I needed brakes anyway so I asked the mechanic to check out the root cause of the noise. Unfortunately, the clicking stopped that day (it was a rainy day) so he did not look into the issue. The clicking sound is very uniform and increases with an increase in speed. It is not a nail or a rock in the tire (I checked for that). Could this be a noise from the inner or outer bearing?



Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
I certainly could be the bearings....but in doing a brake job...I would think that the mechanic would of noticed a bad bearing, while doing the brakes. What might also be the cause is a broken belt in the tire.