Ford Repair: Engine Problems, ford bronco ii, 1986 ford bronco ii

The thing is, once it dies it will start right back up again.  It just has an issue at that specific temperature, so that is why we replaced all of the sensors pertaining to that.  Otherwise I have no idea.  Thanks for your help.


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Question -
I have a 1986 Ford Bronco II 2.9L V6, and am having problems with the engine.  The engine has a problem where at a certain temperature it will flood itself (almost feels like the engine is plugging) and will act like it is going to die or actually will die if it doesn't continually receive gas.  To get the engine past this point, you must put the vehicle in park and rev the engine up to 3000 RPM until the plugging feeling stops.  This used to "fix" the problem until the car was started again, but now the plugging continues even if the engine has been revved up past the unplug point.  We recently replaced the temp sensors, thermostat, and EGR valve but the problem persists.  Actually the problem seemed to get worse when the temp sensors were replaced, so I don't know what that was about.  We are out of solutions as to what could be causing this problem.  Hopefully you might have some sort of solution, please let me know.  Thank you,  Nicky
Answer -
Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
 What I would suggest is that you rent a scan tool from a local parts store and get the fault codes from the computer, if there are any stored.
 I would also get a vac. gage and check what the engine is doing. It almost sounds like the exhaust is clogged. Is it hard starting now?
Let me know,

Hello and thanks for the reply...I'll try to help.
 Another thing that I thought of that you might check is the ignition module (located on the distributor). This is a heat sensitive item and can cause all sorts of misses and problems. Do you have to wait at all for it to cool down before it starts again? Or will it just start right after it shuts down? If you have to wait--I would go for the ignition module and PIP (profile ignition pickup, located IN the distributor)
 Really the BEST way is to rent a scan tool and find out what the computer is saying.