Ford Repair: 1992 f150 4x4 slave cylinder, clutch pedal, slave cylinder

we can not get the new installed slave cylinder to operate. we tried pumping and bleeding the line like for breaks with no success.The clutch peddal stays to the floor when pushed in. Its a 300 6 cyl. any tips on how to get the cylinder primed? Thanks  
Dave Mohr

Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
 Let's start at the beginning. Completely drain the fluid from the system. Then, close the bleeder and fill the master cylinder. The have a helper pump the clutch pedal 30 times and hold it to the floor. Open the slave cylinder and allow the air/fluid to come out. Close the bleeder at the slave cylinder. Then repeat this 5 more times, filling the master cylinder each time. You should have a pedal now.
I would also check the fire wall to make sure it isn't cracked and flexing when depressing the pedal. IF it is, get the service kit from for and follow the instructions contained in it.
Hope this helps,