Ford Repair: starter relay switch, ford tbird, engine cranks

Hey Ken- I goofed. My roomate's car was starting intermittantly and drained of enough energy to turn it over so I jumped it and took it over to a local parts store to check the battery and alternator...both are in great shape. Cables were pretty badly worn and cracked so I decided to replace them along with the starter solenoid relay switch, you know, the one on the inside wall of the engine compartment. Anyways (and here's the part where I goofed) I disconnected the wires and told myself I would remember exactly where they went when I changed out the relay...guess what? I can't remember which wires go where. I monkied around with it for a little while but seem to have screwed something up 'cuz everytime I reconnect the battery the engine cranks over and I don't even have the key in the ignition. Please help out a forgetful slob.
Thanking you in advance.
P.S. It's a 1984 Ford TBird  V-6 Diagram(s) would be of tremendous help.


With the solinoid hooked to the car (you facing it), on the left side, the big black cable goes to the starter. On the opposite on the the big stud, the red cable goes to the positive on the battery. There are 2 smaller studs, the red one should go to the the "S" terminal and the other one on the "I" terminal (ignition terminal). If this does not make sense to you, go back to the auto parts store and purchase a Haynes manual for the make, model and year of the vehicle and that will give you a clear picture of what goes where (and you will have it for future reference, too!) Hope that this helps and good luck.
