Ford Repair: how do i remove my oil pan, mount nuts, nuts and bolts

i have a 92 lx (2.3 l) and i would like to know how to remove the oil pan from under the motor if you could help me out it would be great!  

Mr. Bliss,

This is general information and it is also going to require a lot of work. I would recommend that you also purchase yourself a haynes manula from your local auto parts store. Also make sure you have all the proper tools.

You will need to first disconnect the battery ground cable then remove the fan shroud and the electric fan (you should remove them together as an assembly). Next drain out your cooling system and disconnect the upper and lower hoses from the radiator. Then you will need to raise and support the vehicle, then drain the engine oil, remove the right and left engine mount nuts and bolts or washers. Next, raise the engine as far as possible using a suitable jack with a block of wood positioned between the jack and the engine, then install wood blocks between the mounts and chassis brackets or No. 2 crossmember pedestals, then remove the jack. You muct then remove the shake brace, then the sway bar attaching bolts and the lower sway bar. Then remove the starter motor and then the steering gear attaching bolts and lower gethe gear. Next, remove the oil pan attaching bolts and then the oil pan. Installation is the reverse of removal. Hope that this helps and good luck. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Good luck.
