Ford Repair: distributor, radio frequency interference, spark plug wires

I have a 94 Mustang Cobra with the 5.0L. I recently changed the pickup in the distributor and now I get this buzzing current that comes through my speakers in the cabin. It only happens when the radio is on. The problem only started occurring after the pickup was changed. I've heard of a capacitor that is supposed to collect this excessive noise from the distributor but I'm not sure that the pickup/distributor has this. I have also recently changed the spark plugs, alternator, ignition wires, and cap/rotor. Any suggestions??


  Sounds like you're getting some RF (radio frequency) interference.  The electrical signlas from the ignition can interfere with the radio and/or speakers.  The most common cause of this is poorly shielded spark plug wires.  Many manufacturers like MSD, Crane, and Mallory (to name a few) make wires that protect against RF interference.  Hope this helps.
