Ford Repair: Climate control fan Limited explorer 1995, thermastat, climate control

I have a 1995 limited explorer with the auto climate control and the fan only blows cold air?  I changed the thermastat then realized after checking the hoses that both the top and bottom hoses are hot so the heater must be getting warm water but no heat comes through.  I was told there is a fan that controls a vent behind the dash? Is this true and how major of a job is it to get it fixed?  Or what else do you think it might be??  Thank you Murray


Your concern is probably with blend door actuator or broken blend door in the hvac plenum behind the dashboard.  The actuator can be seen behind glove box and some can be accessed although some creativity is necessary to change it without removing the dash.  More likely is the broken blend door, which will require plenum replacement with will require partial dash removal (complete removal helps)
