Ford Repair: Wheels for a 1998 mustang GT, mustang wheels, dallas mustang

What was the lug config for mustangs from say 1994-presnt? 5 lug 4.5mm spacing?

Will rims off a 99 fit a 98? I have 17" and want to fit 15" for the winter with winter tires.

Lastly whats going to get messed up from a rim size change from 17 to 15? Is there a way to compensate the computer?




  Yes, all Mustang factory Mustang wheels from '94-present are interchangeable.  The 15" wheels won't really mess anything up, but it will make the speedometer read slightly higher than 17" wheels.  There are calibrators that allow you to compensate for tires size, wheel size, etc to fix the speedometer...I believe Dallas Mustang sells them as well as a number of other vendors.  Then there's flash programmers from companies like Diablosport that will let you recalibrate the speedometer as well as adjust things like fuel and timing curves for more power.  Hope this helps.
