Ford Repair: 67 mustang rear axle bearings, bearing retainer, axle bearings

Hello Ken,

I bought a 67 coupe last month from Nevada and attempted to drive it cross country to Florida. After about 1200 miles I started to hear a winning noise coming from the rear end. Stopped to the car and checked the fluid level and that was full, had to drive about it about another 100 miles to my cousins placed and from there I had it shipped the rest of the way.
Once it arrived I went for the easiest fix first and bought new rear axle bearings and removed both axles. The right side appeared to have water in the bearing because it looked like rust not sure why but my concern is the race way that the bearing rides in looks really beat up and I can’t find any information in my book about replacement of theses race ways. Are the even replaceable?

Thanks Dale  

Mr. Szarmack,

I am assuming that you are refering to the bearing retainer.And yes, it does need to be replaced. Haynes makes a manual for Ford Mustangs years 1964 1/2 thru 1973 that has the instructions that you seek. You can obtain this manual from your local Advanced Auto or Auto Zone store. Hope that this helps and if you need any further help, please do not hesitate to contact me again. Good luck.
