Ford Repair: 1995 Ford Taurus starts but dies when put in gear, helm inc, ford taurus

I have a 1995 ford taurus 3.0 ltr v6 it will start run good in park and accelerate. As soon as you put it in gear it will die and in the power distribution box under the hood the 10amp fuse label ingnition coil will be blown.After replacing the fuse it will take about 2hrs before it will restart.

Barry, I'd suspect the ignition coil and/or wiring.  Lood for the wiring harness to the coil and follow it around the engine compartment, making sure it isn't chaffed and shorted to a ground somewhere.   Unplug the coil and check the resistance with an ohmmeter.  If it measures less than 5 ohms, you have an internal short in the coil.  
You might need to obtain schematics of the circuit if this doesn't help... the manuals are available from Helm, Inc., or you might be able to get your Ford dealer to print you a page or two that you need.
Hope this helps...