Ford Repair: 90 Ford Probe GT Turbo, fuel system upgrades, walter hamilton

What cost effective modifications can be done to the stock engine that will improve performance. I had a rocker arm break and a mechanic replaced it. The car is still running , but I don't really drive it. I would like to do some custom modifications to the look and maximize the performace without replacing the engine.


Walter Hamilton
Manchester, TN


  The best modification by far would be a slightly bigger turbo. Granted, my knowledge of turbo Probes is limited, but I'm sure a slightly bigger turbo would really wake that engine up.  You'll need some other modifictions like fuel system upgrades but a bigger turbo almost always pays off in long as it's chosen properly.  if you know what turbo is on there now I can give you a good start on upgrading it.  Other than that I'm not aware of a huge aftermarket for Probes.  Hope this helps.
