Ford Repair: taurus/sable, performance machine shop, sho shop

has anyone that you know of tried or do you know the degree of difficulty that would be involved in attempting any performance upgrades to an 1989 sable such as maybe an sho type set up.  or would i be just as well off just beefing up the 3.0 that i already have (i also have a spare so i can still drive my daily driver).  what if any performance type mods are available for this engine.  also just for info i have access to a performance machine shop.  i've always been a chevrolet man and rear wheel drive at that so any help would be appreciated.  my sable has proven itself to me which is the reason for the info.  thanks .

  Performance parts for non-SHO motors are all but non-existent as far as I know.  If you were to swap an SHO motor in you'd have something to work with.  I know of one company called the SHO Shop (I think that's their name...haven't seen there ads in Mustang mags for a few years) that sells a bunch of SHO parts.  But you'll probably be looking at some fabrication unless you can get ahold of a donor SHO since the SHO motor is actually a Yamaha motor...not built by Ford.  I imagine there's quite a bit of difference.  I'd hit up an SHO messageboard online and see what those guys have to say.  Hope this helps.
