Ford Repair: 1981 Granada, detective work, wiz

I have and 1981 Granada and Have a problem with some thing draining the battery hafter it sets for and few hrs.Changed Alternator,Voltageregulator, Battery,.Can not figure it out any ideas for me to look for. Can not aford to take it anywhere until get insurance on. I have taken the Neg. cable off and put and test light from the cable to the battery and the light did not come on .But you turn the key on it did come on.?????????????



  It sounds like the battery is either grounded where it's not supposed to be, or you've got a short somewhere.  Like my profile says, I'm not an electrical wiz, so I really can't tell you where to start other than making sure both of the cables are securely connected to their respective points.  Other than that it's just going to take some detective work to find the broken link.  Hope this helps.
