Honda Repair: 99 Honda Accord EX V6 issues, honda accord ex, honda accord

I have a '99 Honda Accord EX V6 with 102K miles on it. I notice the following issues -
1. All the safety lights on the cluster turn on and flash for a few seconds, while I am driving. The SRS light is one that comes on pretty often. Also, of late, I am beginning to notice that whenever the safety lights on the cluster begin to flash, my headlights begin to flash too. I notice that the headlights dim and then get brighter the same time when the safety lights on the cluster appear.

2. The headlights also dim when I roll up my windows.

3. The RPM on the cluster starts at the maximum and goes in the reverse direction. It doesnt fluctuate, so I believe it is working, but in the reverse direction.

Could all of the above be related to alternator issues?
What would you think would be the approximate cost to fix the above issues?

Your reply is much appreciated.

I think all of the above issues COULD be related to the alternator. There is no way to know for sure though until the alternator is tested. You could test it yourself if you have a voltmeter, just check the battery voltage when you have your engine running and have someone roll up the windows. The voltage should stay in the 13.5-14.5 range.