Honda Repair: 96 HONDA ACCORD LX 4cyl 2.2 (354,000km), honda accord lx, fuel pump relay

I would really appreciate an opinion please.
My 1996 Accord never has a problem starting from cold but if I go back to the car while it's still warm, it cranks, but won't start. While cranking, it now makes a (soft) popping sound out of the exhaust and occasionally slightly hesitates during cranking but wont start. Battery, plugs, wires, new fuel filter OK. Somebody told me the fuel flow and timing was OK....but they can't solve it.
If I wait an hour so that engine is completely cold, it starts problem. When you start from cold and the RPM is high it's fine until it's warmed up, then I have to be careful the RPM doesn't go too low because when I accelerate it occasionally wants to bog down. Any ideas please?

V. Killin

Vaughn, fuel pump. Even if you have replaced the fuel pump already. These aftermarket fuel pumps only last about 35K-50K. If its never been replaced then you got a really good OEM fuel pump that needs to be replaced asap! There is also a fuel pump relay/main relay that should be replaced as well. (Can't remember the exact name of the relay.)