Honda Repair: key wont turn at all anymore, what to replace?, wd 40, electrical issues

QUESTION: Every once and a while my 92 accord wouldn't let
Me turn the key in the ignition. After some jiggling it
Would usually give in and turn. It isn't doing
Anything anymore. What will I need to replace in
Order to get it going again?

ANSWER: Kat, these cars are started a 100K plus times in there lifetimes so it is not uncommon for the ignition to start to fail. Basically the tumblers inside the ignition housing loose there lubrication and this is why it is conditionally starting for you. Replace the ignition altogether. Or if you need to get by on a budget for a while try squirting some WD-40 or other lubricant into the key hole insert.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The key is turning at times. But now I'm getting a strong burned rubber smell
From under the hood. It smells inside my car even
After its been sitting. What are causes to help point me in the right direction.

Kat, burning rubber/plastic smells are an indication that there are electrical issues going on. Wires melting or what not. You need to have someone evaluate these problems for you. With the lack of information you are giving me this makes it difficult for me to give you a detailed analysis for repair.