Honda Repair: 96 Honda Accord, shifting gears, honda accord

My car is having problems starting. it takes a while to crank up. It also kicks back when shifting gears, mind you this is not a stick shift. Is this a transmission problem? I've been told that all of my engine mounts are broken, thus the car shifting hard? also why is my car having a hard time starting, do you have any idea why?

Ashley, maintenance is the problem. There has been a break down on regularily maintaining your vehicle. Whether by you or the previous owner. Whichever the starting issue has to do with battery, starter or alternator. Have them evaluated. The transmissions on these cars are notorious for shifting hard when there is a lack of fluid and being driven under these conditions for a long period of time. Check the transmission fluid level and consider having the transmission fluid replaced and flushed. Only use Honda ATF. Also replace the worse motor mount or transmission mount first one at a time.