Honda Repair: 1998 honda accord coupe, honda accord coupe, throttle position sensor

QUESTION: I have a 1998 honda accord coupe and i tried to start my car this morning and it started but with extremely high idle and would not come out of park, i am unable to shift the car without the key. When driving the car with the shift unlocked it basically drives its self and you have to press the break very hard to stop. Can someone please tell me what is wrong?

ANSWER: Jennifer, quit driving your car! That is very dangerous when the idle is out of control and this can lead you to an accident.

I am assuming your idle is between 2,500 - 3,000 rpms? If you are mechanically inclined pop your hood and take a look at the major system components on the cylinder head. I think a hose or a clip came unplugged. Look specifically at the throttle body and intake manifold. You can also evaluate the check engine codes and this will help you pinpoint where the problem is coming from. You have an
OBD-2 diagnostic system.

If not take your vehicle to a reputable shop. Or have a trusted family friend or friend take a look under the hood.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It has been brought to my attention that my ex boyfriend ripped the throttle cables from my engine, could this be the cause? and if so id this an expensive fix or something i can do myself. I am some what mechanically inclined that is  how i knew to unlock the shift to start the car, you can clearly see that the cables where yanked, unfortunately i do not have the funds to have a mechanic look at it.  

You could do it.

Throttle cable is easy to hook back up. It just wraps around a bracket that pivots on a spring lever type of deal. Its an actual cable so he cant break it physically unless he cut it with a tool. Then your screwed and need to replace the entire cable.

Throttle position sensor. Should be 3 wires and a plug (gray in color). If the wires were ripped out of the plug that could be a problem. Might be able to shimmy the wires back in the plug. Hopefully just 1 got ripped out of the plug. Then you would know exactly which hole they go into. If more than that got ripped out then you need to do some research online for the correct sequence of wires going into the plug. This would be the throttle position sensor.

Reference the internet for photos of your engine bay this will help you. Specifically Google; Throttle Body, Throttle body sensors, Throttle position sensors, Throttle cables, etc. keep searching and good luck to you.

By the way i see why he is your Ex.