Honda Repair: 1991 Honda civic check engine light, radiator cap, 1991 honda civic

I have a 1991 Honda civic lx. i replace the thermostat the radiator cap and it is still overheating. The check engine light started going on and off about a week ago. I found out i have a hole in my radiator. i bought a new radiator and getting it installed can i check for codes on the check engine light? and how can i find out what the codes mean?

Michelle, when replacing the radiator or any other major component of the cooling system, bleed the cooling system properly.

Since you have done some mechanical work to your car it is good to clear any stored engine codes from the ECU. You can do this by removing the 'Hazard' fuse for 30 secs. The 'Hazard' fuse is located under the hood, near the passenger side fire wall. It is a flip top case and I think the amp is 10 or 15.

The ECU is located on the passenger floor board. Just pull back the carpet from the feet area. The ECU will have a LED 'red' light in the center of the unit. Count the amount of flashes. If the amount of flashes repeats then there is just (1) code being thrown. If you count (8) flashes then (16) flashes = (2) codes being thrown, etc.

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