Honda Repair: 1993 Honda Accord LX antifreeze leaking, honda accord lx, radiator fluid

Antifreeze was leaking from my car but I couldn't find the leak. It appeared to be the rad since the antifreeze was on the ground below the rad on both sides. It leaked for 2 days and then suddenly stopped and hasn't leaked since. It would leak after driving it. I have noticed that the cooling fan doesn't seem to run after a drive like it used to, although the weather is now cooler.

Hi John, sounds like your car is going to overheat some time soon. Whether your fan is not coming on is up to you to inspect. But, I would recommend flushing the radiator fluid from the system, replacing the thermostat, thermostat gasket, and the radiator cap. Very basic and easy to do for the do-it-yourself kind. If not alot of repair shops offer this service for a reasonable price. You should purchase all OEM parts for the Accord. (For instance, Honda Thermostat and gasket at least.) Radiator could be removed during this process of repair and inspected for damage as well. Let me know if this helps you...