Honda Repair: 1993 civic, mechanical ability, dash lights

doesn't like to start I trun the key and it just sounds like it wants to but just will not start! if I put the key in the on postion and leave it thier for about 2mins it makes a clicking sound and if i try to start it, it starts up just fine! after it makes the click sound the check eng light truns off!

So from what I'm gathering it will crank but just not start. It sounds to me like it is the PGM-FI relay under the dash. It is very common on all Honda's for these relays to go bad. A quick easy test is when you turn the key to the on position the dash lights come on and the ECU does it's check engine light bulb test. The yellow check engine light will come on for 5 seconds than go out. When it goes out you should hear a click from under the dash. It is loud enough to hear but pay attention. If you do not hear this click than the relay is bad. This relay also turns on the fuel pump so you can listen for that as well. The relays are usually well under $100.00 and anyone with just a little mechanical ability can replace it. Good luck! Hope this helps. If you have any more questions please feel free to contact me!