Honda Repair: acceleration problems, acceleration problems, honda passport

I have a 2001 Honda Passport, 2wd, automatic transmission.  I recently had my 75,000 maintence service and had to get my oxygen sensor replaced.  I have notice that the car does not accelerate as fast as it use to.  The rpm is up to 3k before the speed will increase.  What should I do?  I am hesitant to take it back to the dealership as my car did not have problems until I got it serviced.

you need to take it back to the place you got it serviced. if they replaced the oxygen sensor try unplugging your battery overnight. that will reset your onboard computer and it should work fine. see your computer was calibrated for your old oxygen sensor. when they replaced it, the computer didnt know how to compensate for the change. is your check engine light on by chance? try unplugging the battery overnight. use a 10mm socket or wrench to unbolt the Negetive first then the Positive. if that doesnt fix it take it back to the place you got it seviced.