Honda Repair: adding water everyday, radiator stop leak, reserve container

Hi,  I have a 91 Honda Civic which has 182,000 miles on it.  The last year I have had to do many repais, including a new distributor.  For quite awhile now, I have to put water in radiator and reserve container almost daily.  I do not see any leaks.  Is my car on it's last leg?  Water pump?  Please advise.  Also, what is best for car?  Water, anti-freeze ? Whatever I add has to be replaced frequently.  thanks, Janelle

Go to a hard ware store and find some radiator stop leak fluid and pour this in while the engine is warm( not hot )
and dont add water, take it for a 10 mile drive and top up with water. I dont know any reson for the car to use water when there is no leaks, Does it heat up too far at all?

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Cheers RUSTY