Honda Repair: Honda CRV - problems from bad gas, honda crv, extreme thanks

I have a problem with my 2004 CRV stalling at low speeds or when starting from a stop. The repair technician now says that there is "gunk" in the fuel tank from "bad gas" and he needs to replace the fuel tank, fuel pump and fuel injectors ($$$$). The car drives fine at normal speed so wanted a second opinion. Is this reasonable and what could be in gas that would cause this major of a problem. Sounds a bit extreme.


Sounds like someone is blowing smoke.  Where did you get this opinion from?  Bad gas should cause more problems than a stalling problem at low speeds.  Also if something was wrong with the fuel like that I would expect a check engine light code.  The fuel filter is designed to catch junk before it its the injectors and unless you are getting gas from the small gas station down the street every time, you probably didn't get anything from the gas.  Sounds like something else may be causing it.  Is there any check engine light codes?