Honda Repair: Honda Civic idle problem, vacuum leaks, air control valve

My 1994 honda civic ex the idle jumps up and down, when it is   
in a stop motion.  It is a stick shift, Its idles between 1 and 2   
going up and down.  I have check for any air leaks, gone over   
the car and can not see anything wrong.  Wonding if you have   
any sagestions

Make sure the coolant level is full.  If you unplug the idle air control valve on the back side of the intake, see what it idles at.  It should either die or idle very slow (400-500 rpms) You can also check for a vacuum leak by placing your hand over the throttle body.  If you can kill the engine, then there are no vacuum leaks.  If the coolant is full, probably need to replace the idle air control valve.