Honda Repair: Lighting Problem, lighting problem, yellow wires

Rick, I took the clock out and checked the wires going to the clock with the switch on. Both yellow wires had power, with or without the parking lights on. The red/black and the red wire both had power only when the parking lights were on. Thanks, brad

Brad, if you have power at the red/blk chances are ther other lights you're having problems with have power there also. The red wire is the cold side that controls the brightness. That wire goes to the drivers multiplex unit that communicates with the dimmer switch and in turn controls the brightness by varying the resistance in that wire. If you were to ground that wire the clock light and other lights should come on. If they come on you probably have an open in the red wire (probably around the area you were working in). You may have to try and chace it.NOTE: if the guage lights work with the dimmer then the problem is between the guage lights and other lights inop. There is a splice connection where most of the lights controlled by the dimmer join. Try looking for it and see if they are all connected.  I'm not sure where it is but I'm guessing not far from the audio unit. Good luck and let me know, RICK