Honda Repair: braking causes shimmy, michelin x one, good shape

I have a lot of detail on this. new 2000 odyssey.
started @ about 15000 miles. applying brakes after driving on hwy caused steering wheel to shimmy.
Dealer turned rotors and replaced pads @ 22000 mi.
I assumed he checked calipers.
Started again at about 35000 mi.-turned rotors and replaced pads at about 60000 mi. and calipers serviced
Tires were rotated and balanced every 5000 mi. - replaced at 50,000.
Started again at 65000 mi. replaced rotors. started again at 75000 mi. now at 99000 and it is real bad PLUS the tires are out of round especially drvr side. There are spots on the inside that appear to be worn as if the camber is out - but not all the way around the tire. Tires are Michelin X-one. Original tires were Michelin Harmony or previous equiv.
bearing have no play. I don't have any hair left to pull out - what is it?

It sounds to me as if the calipers are bad and that is the cause of your shimmy and excessive replacement of pads and rotors. As for the tires, it sounds like you may have something that needs repair in the suspension, check the struts to make sure they are in good shape as bad struts can cause the uneven wear on the inside of your tires. If you are taking the car to the same place, I'd look for a new repair shop. Someone needs to diagnosis the problem not keep replacing parts (treating the symptom). Hope this is of some help, sorry I can't be of more help.